I agree with this suggestion. it will bring clarity and add personality
Thanks for bringing this up. I don’t like the terms scholarship/scholar myself. We call our guild members players instead. I’m happy with Farmer/Ranch Hand or whatever the community comes up with as long as it is not “scholar”
Thanks for you feedback. I’ glad it’s not as widely accepted as i thought
- I love Scholar name.
- Please anything other than Scholar for a name.
0 voters
We need to nail this down before the delegation system is live so it carries on going forward. The terms used could encompass both land and unicorn delegation. Potentially other asset types as well. Who knows where CU goes.
Bosscorn, bossycorn, chiefcorn, headhoncho, honcho
Greenhorn, fledgling, tenderfoot, initiate, recruit, greencorn, tendercorn
Thanks for the thoughts here, I’m not a huge fan of the scholar terminology either. Internally we’ve been thinking it as delegators and delegatees but I’m sure we can decide on more whimsical and fitting terms. Lots of ideas here to think about! I kind of like Tendercorn @Segarion for the delegatees…
Another possibility for the delegator could be Handler…
I’ll think on this
I like this one because in reality you do not pay your scholar, but you pay for your scholar’s expense. It should be something like Business Partner.
Excellent idea. “Scholar” in the sense that it has been adopted for use by NFT gaming is not widely understood outside the community. Distinct on-brand terminology would help both set us apart as an area of excellence and also be a more useful term to guide newly onboarding players.
I think this is a good idea, maybe it will help the unicorn community
Thanks for your feedback. Please add anymore naming suggestions you may have.
Unicorn Buddy Program (UBP)
Too much slaves lmao
I want to be a High Invoker with my forge spirits / minions. My youth necromicon summons.
Landlord / Settler and Chief/Deputy are the tandems I am liking right now <3
Proposed Names for Delegator
- Landlord
- Sensei
- Chief
- Farmer
- Alpha
- Prime
- Senior
- Boss
- Honcho
- Handler
- Delegator
0 voters
Choose up to 3 so we can narrow this down please. These of course are always subject to having “corn” or “unicorn” at the end.
Proposed Names for Delegatee
- Settler
- Pioneer
- Ranch Hand
- Delagatee
- Juinor
- Minion
- Ninja
- Greenhorn/Greencorn
- Tenderfoot/Tendercorn
- Deputy
- Blooming
0 voters
Please choose up to 3 so we can narrow this down. These of course are always subject to having “corn” or “unicorn” at the end.
Proposed name change of “Scholarly Unicorn” Discord Role
- Intellectual Unicorn
- Cultured Unicorn
- Starlet Unicorn
- Blooming Unicorn
- Educated Unicorn
0 voters
The Top 3 names in the delegator and delegatee polls will make it to the final vote for draft proposal
I love these ideas for the game and culture to set new brand in blockchain gaming
LOVE LOVE this idea and very well written! Hope this is taken in consideration… I personally hate the scholar name. weird. Let’s distinguish ourselves!