Community Support & Knowledge Sharing

The DAO proposal aims to establish a Community Support and Creator role for Keepers and Guardians within the “Crypto Unicorns” community through decentralized governance. The proposal focuses on creating a self-sustaining educational ecosystem to empower members with cryptocurrency knowledge and support. By fostering a supportive and engaging community culture, Guardians and Keepers can attract and retain users, ensuring continued participation and mutual assistance. The proposal also emphasizes the importance of rewarding Guardians and Keepers to provide career growth and discourage misconduct.

Guardians and Keepers derive from a diverse range of individuals to provide guidance and education in this complex field for newcomers. However we are on the bleeding edge of Tech and the availability of reliable and accessible educational resources often falls short. By implementing a Community Support & Knowledge Sharing for Guardians and Keepers within a DAO framework and bringing Our Ardent Creator Back to Life again, we can foster a collaborative and decentralized approach to education, ensuring members receive accurate and up-to-date information while promoting peer-to-peer support.

This proposal is to reward Guardians and Keepers that continue to contribute to the Crypto Unicorns community. Ideally the expected timeline is this proposal to run for 6 months. We expect the proposal to run immediately by 1st August 2024 if it passes the DAO Vote. If it’s rejected or needs further revision then it will start immediately on the month that it is able to pass.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE by Guardians and Keepers

  • Respond to Discord tickets and questions from the community, identify and resolve issues
  • Escalate complex issues to appropriate managers or specialists
  • Monitor, escalate and track ticket resolution progress
  • Establish a dedicated support circle within the community, where Educators can address inquiries, concerns, and technical questions from members.

LOCALIZATION For Guardians and Keepers

  • Localize Support within Media Social Platform Such as Discord & Telegram.
  • Translation for Community such as AMA-Transcript/Substack Articles/Protocol Updates.

Guardians has always been a group initiative from the start and with this proposal. There will be a system to safeguard the Guardian role from abuse/exploit. One of them will be a strict onboarding process that will require an interview made by Guardians with one CM member as a witness, as well as a vote from the Guardian circle as the community grows.

  • For the onboarding process there will be a 1 month trial period.
  • An announcement when it is appropriate to receive a new intake from the Guardian and CM Team.
  • A guardian who hasn’t been active for 3 months will be removed from the Guardian role and changed to the Guardian Reserves Role, The Guardian Reserves can request a guardian role back in the future if have an available seat, and Community-scale Up

Proposal Cost

MOD Reward

  • Availability: 120 hours/month (i.e. 6 hours daily, 5 days a week)
  • Discord Support
  • Mod-support
  • Message Moderation
  • Community Education
  • Issue Escalation
    Cost USD$ 650 of CU
  • In addition to the tiers, a community moderator created Original TownHall/AMA Transcription/Translate will earn an additional USD$50 in CU per Transcription maximum is USD $100 in CU per month
  • In addition to the tiers, a moderator-created VDO Clip or Streaming minimum is 5 min per clip related to Crypto unicorns will earn an additional USD$100 in $CU per Month (If this task is done will not get paid from Knowledge Sharing)

Knowledge Sharing

  • Content creation from the Guardian circle.
  • Knowledge base content for Crypto Unicorns official game patch updates, Infographic Research, and How-To.
  • In addition to the tiers, a community moderator who Supports on earns an additional USD100$
    At the end of the month, the Guardians team reports engagement from Monthly post to Laguna Team

As the price of CU fluctuates significantly, we believe a stable-value reward system is key to retaining talent who may rely on this income for daily expenses.
Hence, we propose denominating the monthly reward pool in USD for the required CU from the ECOSYSTEM FUND on a monthly basis for a 6 months runway.

There is no fixed amount of CU requested in the proposal, so we are specifying a time period of 6 months within which a renewal or an updated proposal must be generated. 6 months gives us time to evaluate and prepare for the next round of funding.

A month before this proposal ends, the same or an updated proposal will be submitted to the Crypto Unicorns community for their feedback and what can be improved. This initial 6 month run should provide an indication on improving the community experience.

Implementing the Community Support & Creator role within a DAO structure will revolutionize Community Support & Creator within the “Crypto Unicorns” community. By leveraging the collective knowledge and experiences of Educators, we can create a self-sustaining educational ecosystem that promotes learning, collaboration, and empowerment. This proposal aims to foster a strong and inclusive community where members can rely on accurate information, receive timely support, and engage in meaningful discussions.

We believe that this proposal will have a significant positive impact on the “Crypto Unicorns” community. We look forward to discussing the implementation details and receiving your feedback. Please feel free to drop your comments/feedback in this Forum thread.

Option #1 - Yes
Option #2 - No


Took a little part updating this proposal before submitting a draft, have no questions about it.
Unicorn Keepers and Guardians are a big part of CU Discord ecosystem who help to keep all players updated with latest changes and fight against scammers/impersonators.


CU mods are pretty cool, I support


I remember few months back there was a proposal that passed to reward guardians and keeper. Is this proposal a revision of that proposal or is this proposal is an addition to that proposal?


Hi there , mod proposal has 6 months of runway. Every 6 months will need to resubmit a new mod proposal for extension . There might be some difference between previous proposal . :smile:


Looks like a great plan. We need this role to continue to help the community thrive. I’m in full support of this.


Slight revision as time passes on and renewal as the proposal only last for 6 month at a time.


can someone highlight any differences in this proposal from the last?

in general, I support these proposals and the continued great work of the mods through the value they add to the community.


I fully support this proposal to incentivize our moderators. They play a major role in keeping our Discord healthy and secure, even before the game was launched. Also, props to Terra, Mahathir, B, and Illest for being actively supportive of the international-based channels and for creating Twitter content that is truly helpful for new players.


Oh so it is a renewal. Thanks for clarifying. Full support for Mods and Keepers to get rewarded for their good work :mechanical_arm:


Hi, @jbp3 I have added making VDO clips or streaming, allowing us to work more comprehensively than the old proposal which I consider will be the same workgroup as Knowledge Sharing, so we are not asking for additional money on the new addon But this will be more flexible for Create Content :grinning:

In addition to the tiers, a moderator-created VDO Clip or Streaming minimum is 5 min per clip related to Crypto unicorns will earn an additional USD$100 in $CU per Month (If this task is done will not get paid from Knowledge Sharing)

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Thanks for pointing out the difference. And the USD$100 would be the total additional earned for the month?

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I’m not really clear what this part means. “who Supports on earns an additional USD100$”.


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Hi, @IslandGurl Im set SAFEGUARD for Additional so

“MOD must pass the qualification to be eligible for additional tasks, which offer flexible opportunities for earning payment based on work completed.” Additional will not forced to practice

Qualification is

  • Availability: 120 hours/month (i.e. 6 hours daily, 5 days a week)
  • Discord Support
  • Mod-support
  • Message Moderation
  • Community Education
  • Issue Escalation

With the migration to XAI and marketing rolling out, our Keepers and Guardians will serve an even bigger role with supporting players. I support the Keepers and Guardians Community Support and Knowledge sharing proposal.

Thank you for all you do for our community! :purple_heart:


As you all know I have always given my full support Community Support & Knowledge Sharing Proposals. In the years that I have been in the Crypto Unicorn community. The Unicorn Guardians and Keepers taught me nearly everything I know. They taught and helped me so much. I really appreciate the hard work they have done over the years. They educate us. They keep us safe from evil scammers. They act as connecting point between us and the team. For a long time they did it just for the love of helping others. I was really glad to see the first proposals like this get passed to recognize and reward them for their help. I must give full disclosure here as many of you know I started Interning as a Unicorn Guardian a few months ago. I passed my Internship period and actually received a thank you in the form of CU this month. But to the point I would not of learned any of things I know and be in a place to help so many people if it was not for the Guardians and Keepers that welcomed me into to discord and helped me along the path. So really want to stress their value and give thanks to them given this opportunity. Big thank you to entire community. I still believe our Community is CU’s strongest asset. Every single Unicorn. Team Unicorn to Community Unicorn. If anyone ever needs help. Please always reach out.


Good proposal and I definitely support the work that Guardians and Keepers have been contributing to the project. I just had a few questions that I am curious about.

  1. How is work tracked for these roles to ensure someone is not just sitting around and answering a question here and there? Basically, how do you know how many Guardians or Keepers are needed to actually put in the 6 hours of work a day as opposed to just being around 6 hours a day without doing much?

  2. Why is there a grace period of 3 months of inactivity? This seems to be to be a bit odd. They would get paid for 3 months, without doing anything. Why not something like 1 month and then they go on reserve, and then when they want to be active again there is a 1 month period where they need to show activity IN the reserve (without getting paid) before they are allowed to be back in their former role (assuming the spot is still open). I just find it a bit odd to pay someone for 3 months that is just being inactive.

  1. Work is track via chat activity and we have a bot tracking our hours weekly.

  2. Guardians/Keepers don’t get rewarded for being inactive. We have to meet a minimum weekly requirement, one doesn’t get paid for being active just for days within a month.

One can still request for leaves as well but there’s no paid leaves but more of a AFK period in-case one needs to settle some IRL stuff.


moderators should be appreciated. lets pass this proposal.


love it. thanks for the explanation. let’s get this to vote!