Monopoly Crypto: Unicorn Land Edition game proposal


Our project is to create a board game that is skill-based and strategic similar to Monopoly but with a twist based in CU lore and inspired by the Unicorn universe. The goal of this game is to give players an exciting and competitive experience. We want to develop game focused purely on strategic, risk-reward scenarious and high-level of decision making.

Key Features:

  • Skill: The emphasis of the game is on skill and strategy rather than luck.
  • High-Level Decision-Making: Players must carefully consider the risks and rewards of their choices
  • Community Engagement: The game promotes communication and teamwork within the CU ecosystem and easy tool to onboard players from other communitues.


Monopoly is a well known game that always has demand, in this game we decided to improve it and combine with Crypto Unicorns IP.

Our aim is to design a game that is economical in addition to being balanced and strategic. Playing the game will be enjoyable for both casual and competitive players due to its emphasis on competitive integrity and thoughtful decision-making.

Our goal is to make a game that is enriching as well as entertaining by promoting an atmosphere where strategy and balance are valued highly. Every player can find their own formula for success which will make every game an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. This type of game in our opinion will facilitate the onboarding of new members into the Crypto Unicorns community even those with no prior experience with cryptocurrency.

Proposal Cost

We want to implement medium-term financing to cover all of our game development costs in order to ensure efficient product utilization and dynamic game development. In order to develop game engine prototypes and validate the viability of our game we have invested more than 150 hours into the project thus far. (A video will be attached dont worry about the styles—this is just a mockup).

Funding Stages over Five Months:

  • September: $40 000 USDC
  • October: $30 000 USDC
  • November: $30 000 USDC
  • December: $30 000 USDC
  • January: $30 000 USDC

After release we hope to draw in a wider range of customers so we are looking for an extra 15000 USDC to spend on marketing. We already have strong connection is marketing that could attract more players to the game.

Total Investment Amount: $175 000 USDC (marketing included)


Monopoly Crypto: Unicorn Land Edition (name TBD) is a unique blend of the beloved Monopoly game with the captivating theme of Crypto Unicorns. Our project aims to provide a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants, allowing players to form teams, compete in tournaments, leaderboards and win prize pools


Our team consists of five members:

  • 3 Senior Developers: (frontend+web3, backend+web3, backend+ devops)
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 1 UI/UX Designer

Each of us has 7+ of work experience in our respective fields

Project Manager (Atlas)

Experience: Co-founder at a company specializing in nodes deployment, serving over 1,000 clients Customer onboarding specialist at a crypto firm with an audience surpassing 45,000 people.

Partnerships and Collaboration

Our company works closely with one that specializes in educating newcomers to the cryptocurrency space. Through this collaboration we are able to reach a wider audience and assist new users who are curious about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Part of our team worked on one of the projects that co-founded by TwitterScore.

Overall Vision

By combining our efforts, knowledge, and experience, we aim to create a unique and engaging gaming experience for all participants of Crypto Unicorns Monopoly. We are confident that our team of professionals will bring all our ideas to life and attract a wide audience, ensuring high quality and satisfaction from the game.


  • blockchain: arbitrum (L2)
  • frontend: vue.js, vuex, vue router, webSocket
  • backend: node.js, webSocket, redis
  • web3: solidity, viem, tenderly, hardhat


In order to create a game player has to choose between free and paid lobby. Lobby consists of 2-4 players. There are two types of lobbies available: free and paid.

Free Lobbies:

In free lobbies, players can play game without having to pay. These lobbies are perfect for newcomers who want to learn the game mechanics and explore the game without financial commitment. For people who are unfamiliar with CU and cryptocurrencies it is a great onboarding tool. Daily restrictions will apply to free lobbies.

Paid Lobbies:

Paid lobbies however add a financial component that gives them a competitive advantage. A 7 percent (TBD) fee will be applied to each game that uses CU tokens and this fee will be burned or sent to the DAO once a week or month.

Chat: We will add chat room, where players will be able to negotiate during the game.

Ranking: Players will be able to play casual and ranked games.

Game details:

The goal of the game is to accumulate wealth by purchasing leasing and selling properties just like in classic Monopoly. But the addition of Crypto Unicorns gives the traditional gameplay a fantasy and thrilling new dimension. With a few theme modifications to fit the Crypto Unicorns universe we follow the traditional Monopoly rules to keep the game approachable and familiar.

  1. Goal: Become the wealthiest player through buying, renting, and selling properties (lands).
  2. Game Creation: Each player chooses a chip and starts at the “Go” space. Players are given a fixed amount of money.
  3. Game Play: Players take turns rolling two dice and moving their chips clockwise around the board. Depending on where they land, they may buy properties (Lands), pay rent, pay tax, draw chest or chance cards, or go to Dark Forest (jail).
  4. Buying Land: When a player lands on an unowned property (land), they may buy it from the bank. If they choose not to, the property goes on auction where other player can make bids.
  5. Paying Rent: When a player lands on a land owned by another player, they must pay rent, the amount determined by the land’s level.
  6. Upgrading lands: Players can upgrade their lands if they own all types of the same land, increasing the rent owed by other players who land on them.
  7. Trading: Players will be able to create trade offers to each other (for example exchange lands, cash to lands etc). Trades are limited, 2 per turn.
  8. Going to Dark Forest: A player can be sent to Dark forest by landing on the “Go to Dark Forest” space. They can get out by rolling doubles, paying a fine, skipping 3 turns.
  9. Chance and Community Chest: Landing on these spaces requires drawing a card, which can have different effects: bonuses, fines etc
  10. Bankruptcy: If a player owes more than they can pay, player is declared as bankrupt and eliminated from the game.
  11. Winning the Game: The game continues until all but one player have declared bankruptcy, with the remaining player being declared the winner.


Our game will have leaderboards. This will allow us to reward the most active players in our game, who are the best at making decisions and has the best strategies. Leaderboards will allow to engage audience and maintain a competitive spirit


  1. Game Engine and Backend:

    Development of the core engine involves creating the basic game logic, including rules and mechanics. This stage also includes the creation of the player management system, economic model, and main interactions, server setup, api development, database setup.

  2. Design UI/UX

    Creation of animations, and user interface. A key aspect is creating a unique design that combines elements of Crypto Unicorns and classic Monopoly.

  3. Smart Contracts on Solidity: Development and Testing

    We plan to develop Vault (not connected to Vault company) smart contracts, which will encapsulate prize pool for each specific game.

  4. Frontend:

    Frontend development includes creating the client side of the game, developing the interface, and integrating it with the core engine. Ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive interaction for players is crucial.

  5. Web3 Integration

    Integration of Web3 technologies to enable interaction with blockchain and smart contracts. This stage includes creating mechanisms for authentication, authorization, and transactions through the blockchain. We plan to support next wallets (short list): Metamask, Trust Wallet, Rabby, Wallet Connect.

  6. Beta release:

    The beta release will allow us to gather valuable feedback, identify and resolve any issues, and fine-tune the game before the official launch.

  7. Final Release

    Preparation for the final release, including final testing and bug fixing. Concurrently, a marketing campaign is conducted to attract attention to the game launch. This includes advertising, content creation, and promotion on social media.

  8. Marketing:

    Continuous marketing activities during the main stages of development to attract and retain the audience. This includes content creation, advertising campaigns, and community engagement.

Development Timeline

  • Core Game Engine: September 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024
  • Backend: September 1, 2024 - November 10, 2024
  • Design: October 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024
  • Frontend: November 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024
  • Smart Contracts on Solidity: Development and Testing: November 10, 2024 - December 1, 2024
  • Web3 Integration: November, 2024 - December, 2024
  • Beta release (~ December, 2024)
  • Final Release and Marketing: January, 2025
  • Marketing: January, 2025 and onwards

This schedule allows for effective task distribution and ensures the timely launch of the game with the highest quality and attention to detail.


Beyond just a board game our unicorn-themed Monopoly is a tool for strategic engagement and community building. Our goal is to create an experience that is both entertaining and meaningful by stressing skill-based gameplay and immersing players in the rich lore of the CU. The CU ecosystem will become stronger as a result of this game creating a lively and engaged community in addition to hours of entertainment. We also make sure that onboarding is simple for new players so its accessible and entertaining for all.

Game play short video: Video Upload & Annotation - Gemoo

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First, thanks for putting this proposal together. I have few questions :

  • How is this a skill based game while Monopoly is mainly about luck and rolling dice to stop on the good lands/buying and avoiding the opponent ones ?
  • How is an already existing concept being priced 160 000$ ? This seems very expensive to me just to re-skin existing monopoly.

To be honest, this is a terrible timing for this kind of proposal and in general for any 3rd party game after all the recent events that happened on this subject.

I don’t think we currently have the fund for this and it just reminds me of another Unicorn Party game with already existing game being re skinned to fit our univers.

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Fun idea, But 100% no from me. With recent events as you know I do not think it is a wise time to take on any more expenses or divert any of the teams time from current project. I could go on to list many more thoughts if you wish. But really think this is not the best time to seek ecosystem funds at the moment. I would withdraw proposal and hope for bull web3 gaming craze and then resubmit proposal at a time when we can seriously consider additional spending. Until then feel free to build the game at your own time and if timing lines up. DAO can consider in future. Thanks for your proposal. But seriously can not support any proposals for additional games at this time. A model I might be open to a prebuilt game that is ready to go. But I understand that’s not how things work. Thanks for your interest in building. It truly is just bad timing.

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Hi Eyolis,

  1. While rolling a dice is really kinda random, i believe that deciding which properties (lands) to buy, when to invest into land’s level increase, negotiate with other player to effectivly trade with them is more about skill
  2. We not just re-skin existing monopoly, but creating game engine from 0. There will be additional interesting fueatures regarding chest/community cards and flexibility to customize the game. Budget includes developing of the game, ui/ux, smart contrcts, web3 integration, server side analystic tools, admin panel, servers, rpc provider.
  3. It’s not going to be like a Unicorn Party which had many issues with withdrawing and scaling. While Unicorn Party game was focused on existings CU community members, our game will be interesting to people who are not fimillar with CU since there will be 2 kind of boards: common and CU. Once they start playing it will be easy for us to catch their attention towards CU and invite them into community.

Hi, TT
Yea, resent events are really not fun. Since DAO still has funds in the treasury (Ecosystem fund dedicated to developers), we believe that this kind of game will be a saving straw for CU. It won’t change much for LG, but for us will allow to create promising game. We see how hard to onboard new people into existing game, and almost all 3rd party games funded by the DAO are failed. If we receive funding for this project, we will publish BETA version in early December, if DAO won’t like what we built they can pause funding.
Also our connections with many influencers will help us easily advertise the game, which will be a saviour for CU token and CU ecosystem.

Big read and looks interesting, will need some time to review this later. will make a full response after.


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Very bad timing. I don’t think we are in a position treasury wise to take more bets on these 3rd party games.

That’s understandable, but i believe 100k (prior BETA release in December) is a safe bet on this idea which can be a game changer.
Thank you for feedback, anyway

It’s great that we have new proposals.
But I think good proposals should have a beta version right away. And not just give us money, we will hire guys and they will do something without responsibility for the result.
And this proposal I think more entertainment for the OG’s on Christmas vacation, it will not attract newcomers. That’s just my personal opinion.

Hi, Venticello

  1. We fully agree that proposals should have beta version. After studying proposals that already passed, we saw many of them did not have anything despite text, that’s why we included demo video of game engine been tested (currently 70% of work on it comleted). As a public person, with many thousand of clients i take responsibility to deliver game described in proposal.
  2. I believe you underestimate people interest in such kind of games. As i player myself, i see that around few thousand people play such games on web2 websites. With our view on this game as F2P P2E turned based action game, we will be able to attract tens of thousands of new players.

There is no free money here, bring something ready to test alfa version or beta, and then we can talk

Hi lightman, alfa version of engine attached to proposal (in the end, do not pay attention to styles)

Hello Atlas,

Thank you for your time in putting this proposal. Overall, my answer is no, below are the reasons:

  • The timing is VERY off with all recent events, even 100k is critical for the survival of the overall CU game. I respectfully say this, but it also does worry me that you arent realizing the severity of the amount you are asking for with CUs current state.
  • I believe your game could be fun, but it will not be gamechanger and will not help CU survive longer, similar to what TT said, I believe that in a bull market scenario where money is flowing and we don’t need to worry about the treasury… your game could be a fun risk.
  • May I know who your devs are? Are they from the community? Moving forward, I will not be accepting any proposal that does not provide more details about the team members. I want to know everyone involved in a game that we plan to fund, especially when it is a large amount. This is a lesson learned from past projects.
  • I believe a better approach that could be taken in the future with this fund is to support with marketing funding as opposed to development. All entrepreneurs build with the risk of not making anything out of their time. Where it would be wiser to help, is AFTER you build a product that you believe in and we could actually see it being more polished, then we could provide a strong marketing budget to help you launch and acquire customers.
  • Also, I appreciate the time and effort you put into your proposal, but please to not take past proposals as a template. They were flawed and weak and this is why the council is being strict with what they would like to see in the proposal. I do not believe any of the past proposals would pass today if they were submitted with text only again. Beta is key at this point.

Again, thank you for your effort and desire to create a product for CU to help the ecosystem Atlas, and I hope you guys are able to get this closer to completion. Unfortunately, with our current situation, I would have to say no to this project and any further third-party projects until we stabilize. Timing and priorities are key right now.

Hello Prof, thank you for detailed response

  1. Our devs worked on project co-founded by TwitterScore and web3 dev is one of OG’s from FlashBots community
  2. We really view it as a game changer, which will help CU token to survive and bring more people into CU core game. Case scenario: someone new from web2 comes and plays this game daily, we reward them with some CU tokens, maybe Unicorn/Land for dedicated players. Our connections we influencers and communies for newcomers will certanly help in this. Leaderboards and tournaments will add even more interest to this
  3. I like your idea about marketing budget for built project, appreciate it
  4. We provided video of game engine tests, everything else requires some budget and more time, for sure, we will continue our work on this project,

When I was in kindergarten, i cut up some Unicorn pictures & pasted on our Monopoly board. I got shouted at by my big bro. Turns out I should have got $175,000 instead.

Hi forsaken :rofl:, if you did that with web3 tech, and your game was able to handle 10000s of online players, then why not. Attached video is engine without anything else, final product will be looking much much more different.

Hey Atlas. Complete “no” from me for now. Considering all previous proposals on 3rd party games which are either on bench or it’s funding is cancelled, also considering timing and treasury condition, that’s not the time for any other games.
Yes, Ecosystem Fund has CU allocation, but as it’s being given out as $CU and not $USDC, please consider being paid in $CU with vesting.
Co-founder in a company? What company? Please add more specific information with proofs. More information on devs. Doxxed?
From a proposal to a proposal, mockups are just… bad. Why? Builders should really consider Venticello’s way of building. Build first. Share a working alpha/beta/whatever so people start really using it, like and then ask for extra funding.

Hi enillyddjeans,
Yea, we know history of bad experience between cu dao and 3rd party devs.
As i mentioned this is a game engine, it’s not supposed to be looking good. Yes, we are considering payment in CU with vesting. Devs are doxxed, no worries.
Such kind of apps are built different. The game architecture and state management is more complex compared to simple tool to query/parse blockchain like uniwu, that’s why such kind of apps require funding first.

I’m not saying you should do a 100% product as beta, start small and grow with community. Anyway I’m not feeling current proposal will change council’s and community’s mood about 3rd party products, at least for current time.

That’s understandable according to recent treasury news and past experience with 3rd party games, thanks for feedback