Knee Breaker Arena - CU Themed RTS


To build a Real-Time Strategy game inspired by Crypto Unicorns. The focus will be to make a fun game that attracts new players.


Crypto Unicorns could use fresh blood. A fun game which takes place in the Crypto Unicorn Universe will hopefully attract all sorts of new users.


There was no way I was writing my GDD overview here, so instead, please enjoy reading this google doc: Crypto Unicorns - Knee Breaker Arena - Google Docs

I guess the voting choices are “Yes” or “No” - That being said, I put this as a proposal idea, and not an official proposal, so everyone can go over it and give appropriate feedback.

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I would fully support this concept to be developed. We need a fun game and everyone has been asking for an RTS. The whole concept of “it has to have token extraction” is killing the IP. We need to have folks get into the games and play. Also an RTS that is tied loosely to the blockchain can work just as well.

Once we get setup and going we could use the tokens for skins; visual effects and the like.

So, I am in favor of this and would support development.


YES to master race.


I’m imagining some Harvest Moon stuff but would love a Westwood Command and Conquer stuff.


Okay what the hell I’m in.

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i like this. hoping the right members hive mind this into reality.

Sounds cool but need a plan for how this is tied to our assets and tokens. We’ve got to revive the ecosystem…

Also, a gameplan against cheating is required when building a loop that is (should be) incentivized by real profits

Love to see something like this in future. Sadly I think we need something with lots of on chain txs to start with to make XAI happy they have us.

Agreed. The direction I was given was to just make something fun, not tied to assets, hence anti-cheat was low priority

Understood and agreed.