Crypto Unicorns Fully On-chain Game Idea


Given the current state of the treasury, a pivot to a more sustainable model is essential for continued operations. Rather than proceeding without direction from the DAO, we are presenting this new game model as a proposal idea to secure community buy-in before development begins.


This proposal aims to replace the existing core game with a fully on-chain experience that leverages many existing Crypto Unicorns assets. By implementing a codified economic system, the new model will maintain a deflationary economy, promoting long-term sustainability with less overhead costs.


Crypto Unicorns Fully On-Chain Games
This is a series of interconnected, fully on-chain games designed to replace the core game after it is sunset. These mini-games will serve as the economic foundation for the new Crypto Unicorns ecosystem. The primary objective is to create a deflationary economy that allows for the strategic use of existing Crypto Unicorns assets, while providing a rewarding experience for players.

Crypto Unicorns Fully On-chain Game Suite

  • Shadowforge
  • Uniforge (new!)
  • Twilight Tactics 2.0

Economic Goals

1. Deflationary Economy:

  • UNIM supply will become finite and deflationary.
  • CU emissions will be fixed and follow a logarithmic decrease over time.
  • Assets such as Unicorns, Lands, Gummies, and Minions will be burned, becoming increasingly scarce over time.

2. Increased Daily Active Users (DAU):

  • Lower Entry Barrier: New players can engage with the game using fewer assets.
  • Passive Play: Features that encourage passive engagement will help boost DAU while can also lead to increased transaction volume.
  • Social Gameplay: Introducing mechanics like Shake Up and Betting aims to increase engagement.


The time for the final battle has arrived. The Shadowcorns have amassed a formidable army, sending their minions into the Dark Forest to defend their territory. Armed with intelligence about the Shadowcorn forces, the Unicorns are ready to retaliate. No longer unarmed, the Unicorns, supported by their armies of Gummies, are prepared to make a final stand. With resources dwindling, the decisive battle in the Dark Forest is about to begin.

Loop 1: Shadowforge

Similar to the initial model of the Shadowforge, the Shadowforge is where shadowcorn owners go to build their Minion armies.

Key changes:

  • Daily Rewards: Daily rewards is distributed in $CU and Dark Marks
    • Change from $UNIM reward to $CU
  • Reward Emissions: Daily rewards allocation will follow a logarithmic curve that decays over time from season to season
  • Additional Levels: Increase in Shadowforge Level, Ritual Types, etc.


  • Shadowforge: Shadowforge is soul-bound and is where Minions are crafted.
    • Shadowforge level can be increased by using Dark Marks and Shadowforge Keys.
      • Dark Marks can be earned from the Daily Rewards
      • Shadowforge Keys can be crafted in the Shadowforge using items.
    • Increasing the Shadowforge’s level comes with the following benefits:
      • Access to higher tier Ritual Recipe for Minions
      • Higher Husk production for deployed Shadowcorns
      • Bigger Husk carrying capacity for deployed Shadowcorns
  • Ritual Recipes and Minion Production: The type, rarity and number of Minions produced is dependent on the Recipe used.
    • Each Ritual Recipe indicates how much Husk and UNIM is going to be used in the production.
    • At the beginning, the Shadownforge gives players access to the most basic and least efficient of Minion Recipes
    • New Ritual Recipe becomes available to buy using $CU and Dark Marks as the Shadowforge level increases.
    • The higher the rarity of the Ritual Recipe, the more Minions produced per Husks.
    • Minions come in different tiers where higher tier minions can be used as squad leaders when deployed for battle in the TwT 2.0 loop.
  • Husk Gathering and Shadowcorn Staking: In order to get the required Husks to produce Minions, Shadowcorn holders deploy their Shadowcorns to gather Husks.
    • Higher rarity Shadowcorns efficiently gather Husk better.
    • Players need to recall/unstake the Shadowcorn to receive the Husks.
    • Each Shadowcorn has a fixed carrying capacity for Husk and the Shadowcorn stops gathering Husks as soon as the max capacity is reached. Players need to recall the Shadowcorns and then redeploy it to continue gathering Husks.
  • Daily Rewards: Players will earn daily rewards based on the # of Minions they crafted per day relative to the total number and tier level of Minions crafted by all players.
    • Rewards consist of $CU and Dark Marks
    • Over time, the amount of CU daily rewards will decrease by a certain factor (logarithmically).

Loop 2: Uniforge

This will be a new addition to the series of on-chain games. Uniforge is the Unicorn equivalent to the Shadowforge. Within the Uniforge, players will be able to stake Unicorns to farm Berries, purchase recipes, and craft Gummies. Each day players receive rewards based on the number of Gummies they crafted. Players will be able to burn the Gummies within the Dark Forest to compete in TwT 2.0 and earn more rewards. TwT 2.0 will be a permanent event open year-round vs. its current time-limited event format.


  • Uniforge: Uniforge is soul bound and is where Unicorn owners build their Gummies squad. It is the equivalent of the Shadowforge for Unicorn Holders.
    • Uniforge level can be increased by consuming Lands.
      • Players may use land as leveling material to increase the level of their Uniforge.
      • Land level and land rarity factor into how much EXP is received.
    • Increasing the Uniforge’s level comes with the following benefits:
      • Access to higher tier Recipe for Gummies
      • Higher Berry production for deployed Unicorn
      • Larger Berry carrying capacity for deployed Unicorn
  • Recipes and Gummies Production: The type and number of Gummies produced is dependent on the Recipe used.
    • Each Recipe indicates how much Berries and UNIM are going to be used in the production.
    • At the beginning, the Uniforge gives players access to the most basic and least efficient Minion Recipes.
    • New Recipe becomes available to buy using $CU and Dark Marks as the Uniforge level increases.
    • The higher the rarity of the Recipe, the more Gummies produced per Berries.
    • Unlike Minions, Gummies only come in one rarity and cannot be made squad leaders when deployed in battles in TwT 2.0. Squads in the Unicorn faction are led by Unicorns.
  • Berry Gathering and Unicorn Staking: In order to get the required Berries to produce Gummies, Unicorn holders deploy their Unicorns to gather Berries.
    • Higher rarity Unicorns are more effective at gathering Berries.
    • Unicorns with higher starts are also more effective at gathering Berries.
    • Unicorns have a fixed carrying capacity for Berries and stop gathering Berries as soon as the max capacity is reached.
      • Carrying capacity can be increased by increasing the level of the Uniforge.
    • Players need to recall/unstake the Unicorns to receive the Berries and redeploy the Unicorn to continue gathering.
  • Daily Rewards: Players will earn daily rewards based on the # of Gummies they crafted per day relative to the total number of Gummies crafted by all players.
    • Rewards consist of $CU and Dark Marks, with the daily supply being 3x higher than that of Shadowcorns.
    • Over time, the amount of CU daily rewards will decrease by a certain factor (logarithmically).

Loop 3: Twilight Tactics 2.0

Players will be able to deploy Gummies & Minions to battle control over the Dark Forest. By limiting the # of gummies and minions that can be deployed, the two factions will be more or less balanced, preventing one faction from getting too far ahead. When deploying Gummies and Minions into the Dark Forest, players can choose the duration to stake their squads. The duration of which the squad stayed in the Dark Forest influences the total influence points earned.

Whereas some players may choose to deploy for a long time for a more passive gameplay, some players may also choose shorter duration for better maneuverability and strategy.

On top of these, there will be a shakeup and betting mechanic that players can utilize for “extra rewards” and additional sink for the ecosystem.


  • TwT 2.0 will be a battle between Gummies and Minions.
    • Both sides are able to “stake” squads into a region of the dark forest.
      • There will be 5 regions.
    • When staking, players can select a time lock duration that amplifies the amount of points they contribute.
  • TwT 2.0 will consist of bi-weekly cycles to allow enough supply to be created prior to the beginning of the season.
    • TwT 2.0 will only end when the timer hits 0. The season does not end even if a faction controls all regions.
  • On the Unicorn side, the player will need to select a Unicorn “commander” for each squad and can assign a certain amount of gummies to the squad.
    • The number of Gummies a player can assign is dependent on the Mythic status of the Unicorn.
    • The points the squad earns per day is dependent on the stats of the commander Unicorn, the number of Gummies they are assigned, and the duration selected.
    • At the time of staking, the consumable assets (Gummies) are burned.
    • When the staking duration has ended, the player will be able to “retrieve” the commander Unicorn.
      • When this transaction occurs, there will be a fair chance that the Unicorn is burned.
  • On the Shadowcorn side, the player will need to select a “lieutenant” which will need to be a tier II or tier III minion and can assign a certain amount of tier I minions to each squad.
    • The number of minions a player can assign is dependent on the tier of the minion assigned as lieutenant.
    • The points the squad earns per day is dependent on the tier of the lieutenant minion, the number of minions they are assigned, and the duration selected.
    • At the time of staking, the consumable assets (tier I minions) are burned.
    • When the staking duration has ended, the player will be able to “retrieve” the lieutenant minion.
      • When this transaction occurs, there will be a high chance that the lieutenant minion is burned.
  • Each day, players will receive daily rewards based on their contribution and faction control over a region.
    • These rewards will consist of $CU tokens and Dark Marks.
      • Each season, the amount of CU daily rewards will decrease by a certain factor over the next 5 years.
  • TwT 2.0 will possess a “shakeup” mechanic where players can spend currency (CU and UNIM) to affect the regions.
    • These effects can range from point decreases, point increases, etc.
  • TwT 2.0 will possess a “betting” mechanic where Unicorn and Shadowcorn players can wager CU tokens on an outcome / region.
    • If the wager is successful, the player will receive rewards.
    • If the wager is not successful, the player will lose the amount that they purchased the bet for.

The Feedback Process

This is the current basic model of the new loop and is not representative of the final product design. We intend to refine based on community feedback. For instance, there have been suggestions to protect certain rarities (e.g., Quad Mythics and above) from being burned and look forward to hearing other suggestions.

We invite the community to provide feedback via this thread to identify areas for iteration, ensuring alignment prior to any development procedure.

Look like at the end you have a typo:

" Features

  • TwT 2.0 will be a battle between Gummies and Minions."

Not sure what Gummies are … so probably need a change there.

Just one question
There are no plans for an old TwT right after the land game ends?

@GoliathRulz No typos there. I think reading the whole thing would help imagine what they are. Put simply, they’re the Unicorn faction’s minion equivalent! They appear throughout the CU IP and look like this:

@ArtToRich Not at the moment. I think the best bet is to just combine the experience in one holistic package and build our economy around it, given the limited resources.

Ah, got it… got confused there. Thanks.

I’m going to say it … because a lot of us are thinking it on the gamer side…

“The Last Battle”… I’m not sure that is a good name. Unless truly this is the “Last Battle” and we are closing shop. Let’s be real here. Folks are going to read into this for what it is on the title.

Maybe … Call it …

Megabattle Royale … or something less “game franchise fatalistic”

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First thought name has to go. I feel it says game is dead. One last battle and we over. Replace last with a word that gives idea of longevity. Never ending Forever Infinity.

For a month we were asked for ideas of improvements into Shadowforge. None of these happened and dont appear to be included here. Was any work done towards these QOL. For example lets use staking 100 SC in forge takes over a hour. Longer storage was a idea to make game more passive. Lets take this thought to Uniforge side. Most players have 300 plus Unicorns who have been around for a while. So thats 3 hours of just sitting there signing txs. Does this sound fun. No limit on storage or stake all button needed. Good thing we on XAI. gas is not a issue here.

Burning my lands for uniforge does not seem like a good use for lands. People put years leveling them up. Do something like keys for the uniforge like shadowcorns have. Use lands for something else.

Hmm lot to process here. Get back to you all on this.

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Thanks! I made an edit just now on the post title.
The image I had was that Unicorns had enough of Shadowcorns and decided to fight back when I wrote the post title. But prolly does come across poorly. Sorry about that.

The name itself is something the DAO can discuss here and choose.
That’s what this whole process is for!

I’ll be completely honest … I will NOT be burning my lands.

Too much money put into lands. I honestly don’t think the team even realizes the amount of money put into minting; upgrading and playing the farm game. The loop to me on burning lands makes me feel like there is very little understanding on the LG side of the actual cost of lands to the players.

I will hold my lands personally and … let things be as they be.

Some of these mythic lands I probably put like $1000 in them in the days when $CU was worth something and prices were not bottomed out. I’m not burning a $1000 NFT to “level up something that is … LAST”.

@GoliathRulz To keep the discussion going, what kind of utility do you propose for lands in the new ecosystem? Let’s compile them here.

I will need more time for this review. but i am already reading.

Well not burning…

I would use them as cards to basically provide a stat bonus to a battle. Meaning, you can add them to a squad as a temporary boost. You can add up to 5 cards that go back into your shuffle deck. You can hold 5 cards at a time. And you draw back up at the end of the UTC day or something …

Lands would have the following effects based on buildings and levels…

Ideas on applied bonuses: Farms are a health or healing speed boost; Workshops are a defense or a speed boost to forging; Stables are hit points on any squad… straight points added or boost( Nurseries (will be extremely valuable due to rarity) are a reload or a resource boost; Gathering Carts are power or increase in critical hit potential; and Quest boards give you a randomized boost that is part of the metadata on the refactor.

The level of a building adds to the boosts … then basically the land level doesn’t matter. Because you can’t get a GC 10 on a 5 land

Land type cards when set next to other give a slight boost Land rarity …. I think these should have a special bonus. Maybe critical hit; Critical defense/ fail or something like that.

This all said…

I would suggest we would basically make “CU Land Cards” that can be reused. This would mean that we would have to redo the metadata and put some details in the cards.

These cards could be used for other games in the future.


Maybe some of the cards have an “Instant Effect” … like revive or something that can be used in the card vs. squad boost… Maybe that is what mythic lands have as an added benefit. Mythics have an either or option where you can add them or use the “Instant Effect”.

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So this is just a copy of TwT 1 (that people didn’t like) with added forge unicorns and some few “spend your money” features

You guys really want people to burn mythic land lv 10 just to upgrade a forge and make gummies ? I thought the plan was to survive and maybe one day come back ? Seems like not.

Why not allow people to burn unicorns to level up forge instead of lands ? Find something else for the lands please.

I wrote above… I am SOOOOOO NOT burning lands…

It will not happen period. Like never. I will let my NFTs rot before I burn a land.

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What about you stake lands and depending on those lands staked is your uniforge level. So you can unlock them later and swap in better lands to make higher forge. Depending on buildings on land gives everyone different forge strengths

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I mean … I’m fine with that as well. Basically, as long as there is respect given to the money; time and effort on lands then I’m all for it. Burning, will not happen in my holdings … period.

The simple truth, for me and likely many others, is no matter what is done to start over and rebuild this game, unless the people in charge of running the game into the ground in the first-place step away, I will sell out the second my assets have some kind of value again, regardless of what is or isn’t done with the game. Especially after reading many of the replies made to players by darthschmitty13, whom I’m fairly certain is Aron Beierschmitt. It was made crystal clear that it’s his way or the highway and that any DAO vote in CU is just an illusion. If he really means what he said about pulling any ripcord necessary, he’ll step away along with anyone else responsible for the utter failure of this game, despite ample funding. Until then, I’ll count this as a rug pull loss and hope the assets go up enough to be worth selling. Without a good team running it, it’ll just be a short build up to a final rug pull, imo.

Some questions I have.

what is the use of unicorns stats and mythic parts in this loop?
what is the use of unicorns babies?
is uniforge a transferable and sellable NFT just like lands? if not then why should we burn our assets for something so risky which can easily lose out the value in case someone need to change their wallet?

Uniforge was written its soul bound

if it is soul bound then it can’t have much future value due to these limits. It should not be required to burn our lands. Instead staking land make more sense to give it exp required instead of burning.

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