Crypto Unicorns Fully On-chain Game Idea

Agreed. This allows players to swap out lands for better ones in future.
Why not just allow unicorns to craft keys to upgrade uniforge like SC do. Let players stake lands for berries. Maybe lands can work with a stable like utility. 1 land allows 10 unicorns to be staked on it. So 10 lands lets you play with 100 unicorns. Just example. Other numbers could be used.

  • Higher rarity Unicorns are more effective at gathering Berries.
  • Unicorns with higher starts are also more effective at gathering Berries.

^ for the mythic parts/stats

I agree with Ladybear, i think a majority of people would look to liquidate assets as soon as they provide some kind of value.

Which brings me to my next idea, that core farm game assets need to be locked into the next game for a specific amount of time in order to prevent that from happening?

We need some mechanism in place to prevent mass liquidation while also allowing for some small gains, which to me sounds like staking with a curve depending on how long you stake. Those that still believe will get rewarded the most, with whatever is left of funds.

Onto the next part. TBH the core game was not ā€œfunā€ without the earning portion for me. Whenever i crafted a good corn, it hit my serotonin levels right in the purse, not the fun category of my brain. This is more ā€œgamblingā€ than Iā€™d play this without monetary incentive. Clicking 400 times a day to ā€œkeep upā€ with my farm lost its novelty with farmville back in the 2000ā€™s, especially with no mobile gameplay available.

Onto the next part of decisions. Do we want a game that is playable that releases some funds so we can recoup some investments, or do we want a game that we can play for fun? I think we could potentially have both, but would need to start with the fun part, and add in earnings part secondary. TBH bumpercorns was the most ā€œfunā€ game i think we created as it was skill based as well as quick hit as well as on mobile. I donā€™t believe we are attracting any new users with a large upfront investment (into a game that just announced sunsetting of its most played loop because of poor investing) or without a fast casual experience to start. If you tell me to test out a game that takes 4 months to even understand all the concepts/mechanisms im a quick ā€œNOā€. You tell me to test out a fun mini game that i can earn a few bucks here and there just playing while im on the loo, iā€™d say sure why not give it a try for a few bathroom breaks, if it sucks no investment lost really on time.

I think the issue with the core game play was always ā€œmust grind hardā€ with very little skill besides trying to predict where LG was going to pull levers next, and required spending a couple hundred bucks to even sniff break even in a few months (if LG didnā€™t change anything which happened every few weeks and every new leaderboard/season)

So, with our remaining DAU, we vote on let us die out gracefully with some recoup of funds, or say f it and invest in a fun mobile game to play and build upon, built by the community.

This is my thesis on where we are at currently. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I hope you are all not stupider for having read this far.

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Here are some of my comments and feedback:

  • Title: This definitely needs to change and others mentioned. Call it something like ā€œMarch of the Shadowcornsā€ where the power is with shadowcorns, and then in another season you can create a new theme with a different name.
  • Burning Lands: Like many have mentioned, burning lands is a big no no on my end. Stake the lands and let them level up your shadowforge, and when you unstake it, it just goes down. That is simple and nobody loses asset value. Iā€™m not sure what the fascination is with burning the lands, it feels like you just want to do anything to burn the lands. The method is sloppy. People have no issues burning their shitty corns, but def not lands that cost a fortune. Maybe they want to play your game but also want to downsize and sell some assets? Why screw them immediately, when we arent even sure if this on chain game will be ā€œitā€. Tldr, lets play this one safe, go with stake land for uniforge level instead of burning land.
  • Predatory Mechanic: I absolutely hate the ā€œShake upā€ and ā€œBettingā€ mechanic. This is a predatory mechanic and reduces the integrity of the actual gameplay by allowing p2w mechanics to heavily influence game outcomes. It is not needed and I would hope to see this mechanic completely scrapped and any other predatory mechanic in the future. Letā€™s move on from this behavior, the players are already burnt like hell from past Predatory game mechanics and horrible predatory Leaderboards. For once, allow us to make money without getting screwed more along the way ESPECIALLY after what we just went through. Horrible mechanic, whoever imagined it should be ashamed of themselves.
  • QOL: The stake all and restake all mechanic MUST be included in this game for both the SC and Unicorns. Otherwise, people are going to gouge their eyes out staking 1 unicorn at a time when some have thousands. If you donā€™t know how to pull this off, please just completely remove reaping capacity until you figure it out. I was dealing with roughly 30 SCs daily with the restaking and I was getting fed upā€¦ Imagine now having to do this with the SCs AND the 700+ Unicorns? Kill me, I would rather not play. A quick fix is removing the capacity, until you can figure out how to code the stake and restake all feature please. The SC dev team should already be working on this feature weeks ago from what we were told, so lets see the result of this, it will be critical to the gameplay.
  • Overall game and gameplay: Itā€™s obviously very dull and boring, but it is ok for now and makes sense. I am assuming the goal is to go online asap and at least we can earn something with our assets while continuing development. Here are a few things I donā€™t like about the game.
    1. The actual SCs are not used in the TwT game. I would rather be able to send my Mythic SC and ensure a high yield rate / win rate in combat, as opposed to again having extremely minimal use for the mythic SCs. What happened to ā€œpeople are going to die for those and will pool their money to buy themā€¦ā€ lets for once put our money where our mouth is and try to finally make this come to life, make one promise be real. Let the ā€œhigh-endā€ unicorns like epics and legends with high stats and mythic shadowcorns be overpowered in your game, it is MORE than ok to have this happen given what has been sunk into them and it would give people a purpose to want stronger assets. A way you could do this is, when you send a mythic SC to battle, you can send X amount of T3 or t2 minions with it. A rare can send a certain amount of T3 and T2 and a common can send a lesser amount. This way the gameplay is more dynamic instead of static and boring. Same thing with a legendary unicorn, let them be sent with more gummies AND have a buff they give them. I get it, these mechanics require work, but we cant run away from all work and just deliver the most bland game, but if you choose to do so thatā€™s fine, just remove the predatory mechanics and juice up the rewardsā€¦ nobody will care then.
    1. Why not add abilities that are unlocked from the uniforge as you level the uniforge? Same thing with the Shadowforge. Add abilities that can be used into the TwT combat. It is utterly boring to just stake and yield, and as you level up, you just get more yield. Yes its fine and will just make it where we just stake to yield and not care about anything with the game, but again it makes it super boring. A uniforge ability that allows you to resurrect a quad + every 3 days could be cool, or like daily. An ability that would allow you to dodge death, with a 3 day cooldown could be cool, this way I can line it up with my expensive assets like a epic unicorn. Have a shadowcorn ability that gives you a 10% chance to steal a unicorn from the enemy (triple mythic and below). These are VERY simple mechanics to include, but could make it fun to want to see the results of the bout. I can go all day with mechanics if you are actually willing to add passives/active abilities to shadowforge and uniforge, but if Iā€™m going to be talking to a wall and you already know you donā€™t want to add it then please do not waste my time to try to contribute to that.
  • Unicorn death rate:" This must be COMPLETELY ironed out, it obviously seems like you are currently keeping it open ended to invite discussion which is cool, but we really need to give this a deep thought. My thinking is, you have to start backwards, for example, in 6 months from now, how many Unicorns do you want to see around? If its 3-5k then you probably want to allow a higher deathrate curve to things below quads, and then have some form of resurrect mechanic to be able to sustain the quads as they die overtime. Something along those lines.
  • Removal of UNIM: I understand the idea of having a secondary currency so that you could ā€œpull certain leversā€ to alter how the game plays out economically. I would love to see these levers in this game just once be removed from LG and let the game play out as it is with 1 currency $CU, and possibly another one, XAI in the form of rewards. IF we see that intervention needs to occur to the economy, then we can just add UNIM as a hard currency finally where its price would be fixed and the money from it goes 100% in the form of buy-back CU and burn.
  • Question: What from the TwT gameplay will be retained atm. I donā€™t think I like how ā€œregion controlā€ determines rewards instead of actual fights I am involved in. Maybe we could delve deeper into region control to understand how that mechanic plays outā€¦ what determines region control? Is it literally just how many gummies and minions are staked? Because that is epically dull and boring, but maybe I am understanding this incorrectly and which is why I have it under ā€œquestionā€.

Thanks again for the proposal and looking to gain insight from the community, hopefully we can help you steer into the best possible and feasible direction upon launching this game in a timely manner. Overall its not bad, it just needs some tweaks and ironing out to make it fun and not punishing.

One last thing, please make sure shadowcorn yields follow the distribution curve of SCs, while also being influenced by stats as a multiplier or additive. The ratio should follow the 2000 common, 950 rare, 50 mythic corns. We have heavily dropped the ball on this one. This ratio common (1) : rare (2) : mythic (46). You did this right for once in the p2a leaderboard points, please carry this out in the on-chain game and adjust the amount of husks reaped respectively. 1 Mythic SC almost cost the price of a full wallet with lvl 10 mythic lands, all throughout your game and have forever been neglected. They need to at least once have their time to shine for the people that dumped MASSIVE investments after Aron promising that people will kill for them and will only afford them in guilds. There are literally only 50 of themā€¦ from your whole collection. Let them be worth it.


All of this ā€¦

Also ā€¦

Iā€™m hoping this is more than just a web page that we click on with the feel of ā€œYou are playing a ā€¦ gameā€. I would like to honestly see an alpha concept on what we are actually talking about or at least a skeleton framework on what the UI would conceptually look like before I agree to anything.

But also, Iā€™m feeling like me agreeing to anything is mute.

What I thinking good start. I think TWT like game with Unicorn counterpart to shadowforge is good. I think we need more then 5 regions or something more here then who stakes more. I understand we need to keep things simple. Simple is good. Things that I hear people not wanting. number one is burning lands. I think a better use for lands can be thought of as well. Stake all button or continued staking with no fill point in storage. No one is going to click thousands of times a day doing txs. Maybe me. But only a few other people. Thanks for sharing your idea with us. I think it needs some work. Glad this is a idea proposal so you have rethink some things.

The only thing that matters now is to GET ALSO XAI INTO REWARDS
Everything else is irrelevant if we donā€™t have that.
We will crash CU to oblivion while we pretend having a game only so team can cash-in the XAI grant.


My thoughts is we need a little strategy here. More then 5 regions. But made simple. The battle part where game comes together just needs a point. My quick thoughts.

  1. My thought was 10x10 map. (Just a fancy image of a map with 10x10 grid overlaid.)

People stake lands to map tile.

Tiles they put land stake on they can then have unicorns on.

When you stake on land you can stake defense or attack. Which will build up with time on land. Like they fortifying land for battle. (SC cant see the defence/Attack of land)

Then SC attack the map and try to take over tiles.

Unicorns can stake more unicorns to defend tiles. Or perform raids to reclaim tiles

Rewards will be based on tiles each side control.

Maybe a way for unicorns to increase rewards on a tile they want to defend

So lands are staked. They determine total capacity of unicorns and how high they can be leveled to defend and attack depending on level and building.

Very complicated with unnecessary things
Get recipes, craft gummies, get berries ā€¦ swap to leafs, receive points Lol
We need a simple and catchy game with good xai rewards

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waiting to see something magical appear.

I agree with everything in Profā€™s reply. These are essential.

In addition, I want to emphasize the importance of breeding in some form. Very few collections have the DNA depth and breeding contracts CU has had. The ā€˜core gameā€™ was a unity interface to the on chain breeding. If we want to differentiate CU and keep the community alive, breeding is key.

Ah, deflation? you askā€¦ We already have the ability to sacrifice corns for souls. Why not just require souls to breed? The number required translates directly into the evolutionary pace and deflation rate. The same is true of gems. They are NFTs, itā€™s just not that hard to give them a role in an on chain game.

Breeding and gems donā€™t need to be in the first version, but keep them in the road map.

And, finally, Prof mentioned the name is bad. Also, please donā€™t call this a mini game. The on chain experience was always the sustainable side of the game. We are expanding the game, not closing it or replacing it with a mini game.

The goal should still be to create the first sustainable economic system on which a DAO can grow and a developer or IP community can thrive.

Yes, I have to agree. The concept is quite complicated. It would be nice if we could get a few proposals for directions to take the project to avoid tunnel vision and to make sure people are happy with the direction weā€™re taking.

Idea Example

A piece of land like Pirate Nations. We all stake our unicorns into it. Every day you fight over a pool of rewards and every day some unicorns get burnt. Higher stat corns better odds. Shadowcorns steal rewards. Just a very simple mechanic that can be built upon and improved.

I thought something simple where people can just use their unicorns and earn is fun. I think less is more in many cases as people from outside the community need to easily understand the concept.


I get the idea to use old resources to make a game but is this the only option currently? Would be great if we could get an idea for this.

Land Assets

I also thought a possible airdrop to land holders is always an option. Iā€™m not sure how versatile the Land assets are. Trying to fit them into a game design just because people hold them might not be the best use case unless the game had land mechanics or used the data for a purpose.

Its painful to watch seriously.
Reposting from Discord, seems like only took few days to archive the last part.

Rename the game (something with XAI ideally, like XAI Unicorns)
Focus on SC and Genesis, everything else marked to burn and if the owner wants to save then they can save with some CU (this would create some utility for CU while you printing it even if game closed)
No more breeding, ever

So this would be like around a 15k fixed collection for corns with no inflation which is a good start

Introduce new lands (name it XAI lands or whatever), no class or bonus or level (at least for now)
Anyone can burn 16 old lands to one new Xai land, for example 16 common gives you one new common land, 16 mythics one mythic
So this would create in theory like 2500 max supply for lands/accounts which is also a pretty good starting point and also creates some demand to fill the lands
Then you forget everything you did the last 3 years and just try to make a super simple on chain farming/adventure game without any overcomplicated crap and clickfest and give like 50 usd per month fixed rewards per account to anyone left to complete some weekly/monthly tasks and just survive on the XAI grant
Once better market conditions you can think to expand

And yes I know exactly you will also ignore this and just go with some utter stupid thing, but at least I can say I tried.

Thinking about the plan here for lands again. Really no. Burning our lands for a soul bound item in game. No they are our NFTS. we put years of work into the, . That was the point. To replace them Web2 version that is soulbound. Really. Just no. no no no. NO

Other community members as well have shown interest in building games to use Nfts. Including land. Having us burn lands would make this very hard and also remove them from being used in future if CU ever recovers.

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I dont like some certain feature sets here. but in concept its generally a Go-to as mechanically as it is. there will also be an issue in the final product.

is it better if we release what LG wants first and then make them open for REAL changes in the future? . didnt happen in jousting but always my concern here is the bugs that we will encounter. we always say we wont but we do so that where my concerns is.

Again ā€¦ I will let my NFTs rot in my wallet vs. burning them for some Web2 website ā€œsoulboundā€ thing that can, and most likely, go away.

They need to do something like convert them into a usable item; card or something for future uses. Otherwise, burning them is lacking a complete sense of value that they have to the community at large. People that donā€™t hold these donā€™t get it, but most of the community who actually played the game do.

Yeah im not for burning landsā€¦ staking is ok but no burn.

No chance of just doing the core game but on chain? Dumbing down a few aspects, like staking corns to generate berries, with a slot for staking for each farm. Bonuses apply from before etc.

No one disliked the loop, but everyone hated the clicking. This might as well just be considered an opportunity to rid ourselves of the horrible webgl situation.

But my gut tells me thatā€™s not happening for some roundabout reason.

So on topic Iā€™d just like to ask what the GAME will be here? Looks like a slightly modified TwT or SC loop, neither of which were successes in any way shape or form.

It feels as if the game design is made with the loop first and then the play is an afterthought. And that just has not worked to date so why canā€™t we do it the other way around for once?

Also, I agree we.need to tie xai rewards to the game, otherwise weā€™ll be at zero 2 days post release.

no fkin way weā€™re burning lands for some souldbound uniforge

why no QoL again? at least add a button that allows to instantly unstake/stake back, but with unicorns this would be way too bad, iā€™d rather remove capacity for time unlimited stake.

5 years? funny

I noticed only $CU / $UNIM / Dark marks as rewards, whereā€™s $XAI? Fully allocated to LG to pay wages?
Name - as already mentioned by many, hell no, as I see - already edited.

Looks too complex for the start, Iā€™d recommend to add less amount of variables for easier and quickier refactoring. UNIM still not deleted? Surprised tho. Whole community is trying to help, maybe staking lands is not a bad idea as some kind of passive farming. Was farming for 2-3 years and leveling lands to just burn it to a soulbound item?

Per the Crypto Unicorns Fully On-chain Game Idea Proposal

Community Buy-in Prior to Development

  • Prior to the development of the new game, the team or any DAO member may submit game specifications and design proposals for community feedback through the proposal process. A voiced working session will also be conducted to ensure alignment with community expectations. The final design will be formalized by a Snapshot vote before being built.

No working session has been conducted. Yet this new game proposal has been submitted for the new game loop from team. When will the working session and/or discord channel for community to discuss ideas so that community and team are in alignment re: expectations? At the very least, hope team starts participating in a conversation about the loop on this forum channel.