CUIP-053 - Towards a DAO-Centric Ecosystem [Pass]


In light of the current state of the treasury and the unsustainable costs of maintaining the core game in its current form, a hard reset is unavoidable. We propose to reallocate resources to replacing the core game with a fully on-chain experience. This pivot will enable us to operate with a leaner and more sustainable team. At the core, this proposal is designed to reduce treasury burn, implement a codified deflationary economic model, and enhance product alignment with the DAO and community.


Recent developments have made it clear that we must adopt a different approach to building within the DAO. The Crypto Unicorns core land game, as a hybrid experience, requires ongoing management of traditional servers, live operations infrastructure, as well as ongoing design and product effort. This requires continuous management of both technical infrastructures and in-game economic policy. In contrast, a fully on-chain game operates autonomously, eliminating the need for centralized control and significantly reducing long-term maintenance costs.


We’d like to propose the following path for the DAO moving forward:

1. Deprecation of the Current Core Land Game

  • As outlined in the Sunset Plan published on Substack, the core game will be sunset on August 30, 2024.

2. Transition to a Fully On-Chain Game Experience

  • Following the shutdown, we propose replacing the core game loop with a fully on-chain experience. This will enable fully transparent, autonomous operations with minimal ongoing maintenance.

  • Rationale: Transitioning to a fully on-chain model reduces operational costs and better aligns with the decentralized ethos of the DAO.

3. Implement a Codified Deflationary Economy

  • The fully on-chain game will have its economic policies codified at the smart contract level, with a focus on maintaining a deflationary model.

  • Rationale: Codifying the economic model reduces the need for constant rebalancing and the unexpected surprises on the players’ side.

4. Community Buy-in Prior to Development

  • Prior to the development of the new game, the team or any DAO member may submit game specifications and design proposals for community feedback through the proposal process. A voiced working session will also be conducted to ensure alignment with community expectations. The final design will be formalized by a Snapshot vote before being built. Further smart contract changes will require a different Snapshot vote - unless in the event of security risks and exploits.


We acknowledge the significant implications of this reset, but firmly believe that this transition is the most viable path forward. It ensures our project’s continuity by embracing a more decentralized solution, while reducing treasury expenditure and achieving better product alignment. We respectfully request your support in this critical transition.