Feel your point. My corns were stuck from the 1st launch day, 2 corns stuck for 7 days, another 2 - for almost two weeks.
Yeah that kinda feels you’re losing, but it’s wrong (as for me) - you’re just not earning what you could’ve.
There is no fairness or fairplay, you want to penalty the players who are not that unlucky as you or me, even though it’s not their fault. Turning off the servers wouldn’t increase the speed of solving issues.
And yeah, it’s not a competetive game yet, until gameloops are out. Most of the features are not yet implemented (evolving, jousting, racing, shadowcorns).
We are all informed this is MVP. We are actually the beta-testers with a possibility of earning some money.
Aron said there will be cases he would investigate himself about compensations of the idle time. So just keep sharing data as much as possible and follow those steps to avoid future issues:
- use lowest latency RPC
- please, please, please, don’t be cheap on gas while breeding/hatching/evolving - use x2 network cost to avoid everything
- try not to refresh the game while it’s breeding/hatching/evolving - just stay on the screen
Maybe I missed something, feel free to add