CUIP-047 - Extension [Pass]


It’s already been six months of the app, there’s been a lot done, but there’s more to come. Support for the project has helped mitigate the closure of Hawku and the problems of choosing good unicorns and lands, and a lot of things have even become more convenient. Now the great migration to a fast and cheap XAI blockchain awaits us, and that will require reworking the server side of the app.


  • The app solves many player problems (from quests and gene selection, to jousting tournaments and leaderboards) and increases engagement.
  • The app is stable and evolving along the way.
  • Migrating to the different blockchain requires changing many parts of the application and ensuring stability after the change.


Most experienced players use the app, with new players often being recommended it for selecting unicorns and lands to purchase. Over the last six months the app has evolved to improve the user experience and new functionality has been added.

Ability to select lands by characteristics, try the same search on OpenSea

Here you can see comprehensive information about the buildings, their levels and the number of bonuses.

New filters for mythic parts have been added here, as well as a mapping to make it clear which mythic parts the unicorn has. This makes it much easier to choose a breeding partner.

Unicorns now have gems that significantly affect their performance and success in tournaments.

In the application there is an opportunity to simulate tournament matches, after changes in the game, the application also updates the odds. At the same time, the player can try other odds and offer them to the development team.

You can create different groups of unicorns for tests.

New visual representations for genetic engineers :slight_smile: And also filters, for those who have a lot of unicorns.

Detailed leaderboards make it easier for leaders to work with tribe members and their tribe donations.

Added a hardcore quest chain and improved the selection of unicorns, as well as not how many times updated the usual quests and improving their visuals.

Tracked over 30 tournaments with advanced stats and now the ability to filter your unicorns in the table.

Lots of invisible server-side improvements to improve performance and small UX tuning.

Proposal Cost

Regular maintenance and updates require a decent amount of time, but I spend 0 developers’ time, I get all the data myself, and often save their time by offering ready-made solutions. In a month the migration to another blockchain will start and many things will stop working, they will have to be written again. The project is dynamically changing and without funding I will not be able to keep such a large mechanism working.

I propose to continue funding at 2 ETH/mo as before, with no additional funds needed for the project to migrate to the new blockchain. The proposal is for six months, with a possible extension.


Thank you all for your support, without your ideas and energy a lot of things wouldn’t get done.

Snapshot: Snapshot