About the Proposal Ideas section

Welcome to the PROPOSAL IDEAS section of our forum! Feel free to start a discussion.

  • PROPOSAL IDEAS may be written in the author’s preferred format or style.
  • A post in the PROPOSAL IDEAS section will stay open for as long as the community is actively engaging in the discussion. A post will automatically be closed when it has been inactive for 5 consecutive days.
  • The governance Facilitator will encourage the authors of posts with active positive engagement to write proposals.
  • A Crypto Unicorn Improvement Proposal Idea can be one of the following: Game Features, Ecosystem Fund Grants, DAO Operations, Just for Fun.


  1. Ecosystem Fund Grant - Proposal Ideas that will require funding from the treasury will be tagged as Ecosystem Fund Grants.
  2. Game Features - Proposal Ideas that will change, improve, or add to the existing game features and affect the current development roadmap will be tagged as Game Features.
  3. DAO Operations - Proposal Ideas that affect how we build our DAO will be tagged as DAO Operations. (ex. Treasury management)
  4. Just for Fun - Proposal Ideas that do not fall under the first three categories will be tagged as Just for Fun. In general, these are ideas that do not need immediate implementation.