CUIP-048 - Season 4 Governance Council Special Election [Pass]

As one of the elected councilor for the Season 3 Governance Council has left the office, the DAO shall now call for an emergency election.

As indicated by CUIP-004 -Governance Council Installation, vacancies are filled following a special/emergency election. Please vote for the candidate you support. Only three (3) council seat needs to be filled.

  • Gabe | ShazbotWarrior
  • Prof
  • Lemonade
  • Radamh
  • Kaizers
  • GoliathRulz (“THUD Master”)
  • Segarion

Snapshot: Snapshot

Season 4 Special Election Elected Councilor

  • Gabe | ShazbotWarrior
  • Prof
  • GoliathRulz (“THUD Master”) :beer::crown: