The purpose of this proposal is to pause all recurring payments until a new path forward is decided on. With the current monthly payments that are occurring, in the case LG leaves the project, the treasury will be drained within 3 months without having a chance to even make a decision on the path forward. As such, I suggest we pause all recurring payments to ensure a plan is set in place prior to making anymore new payments. This proposal is to come in effect starting October 31st, 2024.
Since the LG team does not want to distribute the remaining funds and dissolve the DAO, the community does not have enough time to meaningfully plan the next step.
The process would unfold following these steps.
The DAO will pay off all remaining liabilities. This includes mod salaries, payment, LG salaries for Oct, Council member payments for the term served if they are eligible, and any other payments that the DAO has committed to for the month of October. After which, no more subscriptions or payments will be made.
We will pause all future payments to any subscriptions. This includes:
Vault Team staking contract maintenance of $15,000 monthly.
Laguna Team Multi-Sig Operations, Staking Reward Pool, Marketplace, Website and Staking website Maintenance $7,000 monthly. (Thus staking and marketplace will be permanently closed)
Twitter blue check $11 monthly
Gitbook $300 monthly
Discourse governance forum $100 monthly (will NOT be paused, to allow the governance to continue afterwards).
Any engagement or expenses spent on toys or series licensing efforts.
Any additional monthly expenses for the CU IP that may have not been included above.
By pausing all payments, the DAO will have time to think of the next steps on how to continue this project without bleeding all of the remaining treasury before getting a chance to even forge a path forward.
Hello, Prof. May I suggest that we keep atleast the governance forum? After much thought, I really feel like the DAO benefits in having a place for governance discussion.
The most important thing to make a backup, if necessary, we can deploy the same forum on VPS for $ 8 per month, the only thing will be the issue with the domain.
We could keep the forum alive, but it doesn’t seem to be popular. But if DAO comes back to life, we could always restore it, either on our hosting or in the cloud as it is now.
I feel weird about you saying that the problems are being handed without solution when the series of proposal I prepared were basically there to ensure a proper turnover - that you have a process to follow and that continuity is possible. From what I see, this is really just a case of wanting your own idea implemented - otherwise, it’s treated as LG is the one not doing its part to ensure a smooth turnover. You were the one that said you will block the proposals to have a proper process because you said you’d rather not have a DAO - even after I had told you it’s important to think by default that the DAO lives on.
Hey Manic, I stand with what I say because the solution provided is a solution for LG and not the Community, its obvious what the community wants.
I will not continue to act thankful for the solutions provided when they seem to just be solutions to back yourselves up legally without caring about the community first.
Of course I want my idea implemented when I see the majority of the community also wants this instead of your proposals, am I supposed to want LG proposals that only focus on protecting LG before everyone else? No sorry, for my its community first, especially after everything we have gone through by trusting LG. There is so much trust that I can give before I stop believing in the person that kept feeding us poop. I’m sure you can understand.
Yes I will block the proposals, because as I said a million times, this is in LGs best interest not the community. The vote on snapshot will be obvious, I bet the majority of the community will be voting to pass it and LG declines it, then the selfish party will be obvious to all. If I am wrong, then I will reconsider. Dont think I am.
For a dissolution proposal, you need 50%+1 of the voting population to vote YES on your proposal. Regardless of whether LG votes NO on your proposal or not, unless you get 50%+1, the proposal fail.
If this is really the will of the DAO, you WILL get that required votes. If this is just yours and a few people’s then it will fail naturally. There is enough CU to stake out there to get this to pass. The question is if it’s really the intent of the DAO.
The current issue is people are so broke after getting rugged, that they cant go out there to buy thousands of dollars worth CU to stake to vote, to only distribute and end up with 500 bucks. Many people sold their CU a while back to at least salvage w/e money they had left in this project. But as I said, If I stand correct and most people # wise not total vote (because LG simply holds the most CU) have a different view than me, then I am more than happy to take another route. Based on the discussions, and convos on discord, I’m confident this is was most people want (not the majority of CU holders, but majority of the community).