CUIP-061 - Terminating Outdated Programs [Pass]


This proposal aims to optimize the DAO’s financial management by scaling down operations, discontinuing outdated reward programs, and utilizing $CU to address financial obligations. These measures are intended to ensure the continued functioning of the DAO’s core operations.


As the Laguna Games team steps down as the primary developer within the ecosystem, it has become imperative for the DAO to streamline its operations to ensure its long-term sustainability. This proposal offers the DAO a viable path forward, which the DAO may accept or reject at its discretion.


I. Termination of Outdated Programs

I propose the formal termination of the three programs immediately for any submissions/votes post October 15:

  1. Security Bug Bounty

With the core game offline and no live operations team, it will no longer be feasible to address incoming security reports. Therefore, we propose discontinuing the Security Bug Bounty Program.

  1. Vote Participation Reward Badge

Due to the absence of live operations and blockchain support, the production of new badges is no longer viable. Existing badges however, will retain their respective boosts.

  1. In-game Token Burn

The cessation of the core game may have implied the conclusion of this process, but this proposal formalizes that termination.


I believe these changes are crucial for optimizing the DAO’s ability to continue operations going forward. As this is a proposal, the DAO is encouraged to vote on revisions, removals, or additions to any section of this document.

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