Unban JRB from CU Discord

Dear All,

In light of transaparency I have to share this information to public. I’ve apparently woken up to a FUD and a fake allegation from JRB

I have to hide the name because its rude: this is a DM

This is a call out from another discord server :

As a council member I now firmly believe that my answer is NO as this fudding and harrasment. Imagine waking up in the morning like this and seeing post like this.

Nice manipulation tactic. : We still know what you did and we will never forget it!

  • KeizerMc :fox_face:

I’ve enjoyed the benefit of the JRB effect he got banned RBW skyrocketed and chat is way more friendly. Win in my book no?

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I offered him some free advice at some point on some breeding issues he had. He mocked me in return. At that point I thought he was drunk or high, but it looks like this is his standard behaviour…

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My next question why wasn’t he banned earlier if there were already grounds for it?

This is in the document. I encourage you to re-read it. Our CM team has exerted maximum tolerance.

is there a legit process for this?

This is also in the document.

Is there a basis for a ban?

This is in the document.

I want to see every deleted comment and what led up to the ban so that the people can see it, not just the spicy bits.

This is also in the document. It was said there that the team does not have any obligation to provide this information. However, as providing an impact report is part of the process, we complied. We won’t be spending additional cycle apart from that.

Also, I would like to emphasize JRB is not banned from the forum. He should be defending himself on his own in this proposal.

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You’re not willing to let us see everything but you want us to vote on it? You’re not obligated to give us all the information, but I am obligated to make a decision? We all know there is much more to this. This an absolute joke to have the DAO settle a problem that appeared to have been handled by the CMs. So since he violated the rules, why wasn’t he banned earlier? Why was he given so much slack? You say it is in the document and he was given maximum tolerance, but why. This shouldn’t even have gone this far. So since the council has to vote on this we deserve more answers.



You’re not willing to let us see everything but you want us to vote on it? You’re not obligated to give us all the information, but I am obligated to make a decision?

Yes, you are. It’s a responsibility as a councilor.

So since he violated the rules, why wasn’t he banned earlier? Why was he given so much slack? You say it is in the document and he was given maximum tolerance, but why.

Here’s the quote from the document that you’re looking for: “The CMs have practiced leniency and tolerance towards active community members.”

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I would also like to clarify lest it causes confusion:

This is not an LG proposal. Our only responsibility is to provide an impact report. If you want access to the non-spicy bits, you may use the search function on Discord. The author of this proposal carries the “burden of proof” to provide context to JRB’s innocence, not the other way around. It’s up to the author to defend the validity of his proposal. You may request the author to compile all Discord conversations related to your query. That’s up to the author to decide whether to comply or not - as with any other proposal. None of the “non-spicy” bits have been deleted so what’s available to you and the author is also what is available to us.


Ok so from what I am gathering, JRB was banned unjustly, and if so it needs to be done through a formal process.

Where did you gather that? From the 2 or 3 people on this thread? Or from the evidence?

No, he just stirs the pot. I don’t think he’s ever had legitimate ill will towards everyone.

Please see evidence Keizer just posted.

My next question why wasn’t he banned earlier if there were already grounds for it?

This is kinda a ridiculous question given just above someone else asked why the mods weren’t a little bit more tolerant and should have given him more timeouts. It feels like literally whatever the mods do, you will take the opposite stance.

It is actually very informative of you as a person if you feel that it’s ok to threaten another council member and the evidence for that was posted immediately but you’re willing to overlook that and ask more meta questions like. “Why so lenient?” or “Why not earlier and why now?”

yes, if both sides of the story match. And since this became a council issue I want the people to decide and not 11 people that may have their own prejudices

That’s the scope of your responsibility though! To not let frivolous proposals make it through. This is entirely frivolous because this is a CM team decision and the evidence is there. He’s clearly manipulating the system to get this on an official proposal. Then a few Yes votes from certaIn whales in here and it will pass.

JRB should be defending himself in here. He’s not banned in here as lgNanessa pointed out.

For those who are out here defending his actions - why is he not here? Why are you here instead? Do you feel like everything he’s posted is a normal, non-toxic thing to do? Do you think threatening a council member is ok? That too with such flimsy “evidence”. Why do you feel compelled to defend him? Are you being threatened as well? Does he have a timestamp on you as well?


I’ve always had mixed opinions of JRB. Early on he was cool and seemed to know a lot about the markets. But over time he would go on these cryptic rants almost seemed bipolar at times or had multiple personalities. overall it was a negative vibe. I can see why he was banned. this proposal is s waste of time IMO.

Since this action is still going on and people are divided into opposing camps, I will try to remain as objective as possible and evaluate Jrb’s actions as uncompromisingly as possible.

To begin with, I would like to note that our personal communication with Jrb has always been positive and in good spirits. I consider him to be an intelligent man.
I was not personally present in the chat at the moments mentioned in LG’s impact report.
Just over 4 months ago I personally asked Jrb what happened, to which he replied that "he found himself lingering too much and fighting the internet and didn't agree with team on certain things" and that he wants to focus on different things without being influenced / lurking. But he was still kind, as he always is when communicating with me.
At the same time, one of the CM team members also explained to me in private messages what happened. Part of what I was told was in the impact report. I was extremely surprised by this behaviour but did not ask Jrb about it. Further our communication with him was limited to discussion of CU a couple of times. We did not communicate for the last 4 months.

I felt uncomfortable reading the impact report, as it seemed as if this person from the chat and the one I was communicating with in DMs were two completely different people. Since I was off on a trip for the past few months and limited myself to reading only important announcements, I stopped being a regular participant in Discord, so I missed the moment when Jrb was banned as well.

Trying to be objective - Jrb’s account should be banned from Discord for breaking the rules. Sad but true.

Personally, I would like to give Jrb another chance with an extra eye on him, but only for the reason that he proved his involvement and interest in the success of the project in the beginning. It seems that Jrb’s behavior has changed quite a bit in the project lately, and even if Jrb is given another chance and is unbanned, he should reconsider the boundaries he has formed in his interactions with CM and project members. At a minimum, insulting administrators and project members is not at all what I am used to seeing from Jrb.


First things first, everyone trying to call out @RXIS for wasting time with this proposal is really coming down with a strong case of missing the forest for the trees.

This proposal, while it has my name in it isn’t entirely for me. It’s actually for you, too.

Their proposal is rooted in gaining clarity over the due process of banning members. This is something ALL of you should be weary of, as many of you traverse into the web3 space. This isn’t web2, and without due process you become a strong candidate for the gulag.

Dissonance is natural and you really shouldn’t treat it in a pro-communistic way, like banishing people who speak up to the crowd, VCs, and even the leader of the project shouldn’t be an acceptable practice.

Strong leaders will always find tact, grace, and have an ability to persuade and redirect.

I’ll get into the ill-conceived falsehoods that are being claimed in my next post.

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Yes, I saved the game from a MAJOR EXPLOIT at launch.

Never forget.

As well, anyone who is curious about these messages, please feel free to DM me. For all the people savvy with on-chain data – without providing screenshots (last resort) there’s an interesting story here with Keizer buying LAND lootboxes at the same time the article revealing what were in the lootboxes.

Full disclosure: I was also told what were in the boxes ahead of time. Keizer was also on Governance Council when this occurred.

Also, Keizer edittedout a name, but ShoutyPoles is also a name – big lulz as they say. Thank you for this.

At this point, you’re also not really contributing to the Forum.

This is completely meaningless to me; why can’t you be optimistic? Who caused you harm? Why are you trying to fade us out? Anyway, I’m glad you agreed to stay banned on Discord with Enillyddjens.

I believe it when they say people will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame.

Apart from your oddly written communist manifesto of living and dying by the state, it was a pretty weird flex that when you said I DM’d you solely to discredit LG.

TL;DR - @cuppy this guy thinks you bought all of your RBW on a credit card with the kicker of getting free mileage points before filing for bankruptcy. I still maintain, out of pure humility, that self-identifying as a muppet and being poorer than you doesn’t bother me.

For transparency:


Thanks for sharing it so I don’t have too :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure if you noticed, but your accusation turned out to be false.

TL;DR - You lied about me contacting you with the intent of discrediting LG. Hence, why you didn’t share it in the first place.

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It’s not false, and not the first time you tried to Discredit LG.

Sorry - that’s incorrect. If you reread your post and then refer to our Discord exchange, anyone with a 5th grade reading comprehension will be able to easily discern what was said and what you said.

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No more attention for you – sorry. You already tried your 15 minutes.
