Pause the usage and pay for UniWu service


Since the core game will be going offline on August 31, 2024, I believe that the subscription to pay for the usage of UniWu should be put on pause during the same time period. I prefer to say pause as opposed to cancelled, in case UniWu may still be useful during the on-chain game. If tools directly used for the on-chain game may be developed on UniWu, then a proposal to resume the UniWu subscription is more than welcome. This proposal is to take effect immediately after the month the snapshot is completed. This would mean, if the snapshot is taken on Sept 5th, Venticello will still get paid for the whole month of Sept even though the site is down (it would be a grace period). Then it would take into effect On Oct. 1st, 2024. This gives venticello enough time to work on adding a tool for the on chain game to reactivate the UniWu subscription if needed.


The motivation to write this proposal is to reduce CU treasury expenditures to the bare minimum since the treasury does not have much more funds left. For the good of all the CU community, we need to reduce our treasury burn rate as much as possible to survive this next period. If we are able to survive this period and flourish again, then another proposal may be submitted to justify the changes of increasing the team. Right now we need to put the survival of the community first. Additionally, with the core game being shut down, there will be no use for UniWu at the current time. Unlike the migration, where we still paid UniWu to keep the site up for a month without doing any work, this is an actual closure of the core game.


  • Pause all payments for the usage of UniWu. This would mean the treasury will no longer pay 2 Eth per month to UniWu and the community will no longer have access to UniWu if this proposal is passed.
  • If UniWu could be used during the onchain game and the creator of UniWu wishes to continue working with CU, a new proposal may be submitted to resume payments to UniWu.


This proposal would reduce our monthly subscription to UniWu by 2 Eth (at current Eth price ~$5,200). Since the core gameplay will be closed for an unknown time, I believe that to preserve any funds in the treasury, we should pause payments for the usage of UniWu for the time being.

I would like to hear @Venticello thoughts around it. If there is not much use case post shut down of the core game then it makes sense to pause this otherwise would prefer to reduce the the cost to minimum opex.

If the minigame is not any time soon OR the minigame won’t need help from Venti’s tool then I agree that a pause is probably needed but too early to say since we basically have 0 information about what is coming.

If the new reality doesn’t require my involvement in the initial organization of quick access to new contracts and such, it’s no problem to pause or cancel. Just if it drags on for a few months I’m not sure I want to do it again, maybe I’ll switch to something more interesting.

Hey Prof. Don’t like your approach on any of the new proposals. A draft proposal with community involvement would be more appropriate. In this case we as community could discuss all the conditions and make a proposal better in short term. You know better than anyone that paperwork kills motivation and willingness to participate in the development. Also, looks like you’re mixing up Treasury (LG’s salary) and Ecosystem Fund (for proposals like this). Right now there are ~265k$ worth of CU in the Ecosystem Fund. Yes, cutting costs seem reasonable, but it should better be discussed in advance.


Hi Invoko. This is literally a draft proposal to be discussed with community involvement, hence it is being submitted under the draft proposal category… It is not a vote yet. So not exactly sure where the problem or your disappointment lies. Its exactly as you suggested.

The process is Draft Proposal > Council Review > Snapshot.

I love Uniwu and happy to support Venticellos work. I can see how the work may not be needed at the moment. If they are fine pausing work then I am okay with this. My biggest concern was their costs they had already put into server etc as this closing of core game was most unexpected despite all the signs we all clearly saw but were assured the treasury was Safu.

Very reasonable proposal, supporting it

I’m appalled by this proposal!

Venti is the only one who has done anything specifically useful for the project from the outside. And for pennies.

Laguna’s liquidations cost 2 eth each. And here a man for this amount of money worked really for the good of the project.
This is a blow below the belt, such proposals. What will they give the project, except resentment on the part of the developer?

Well, let’s cut costs by a small amount, for that matter. But why refuse his services?! We’re in no position to be throwing away really good developers!

Trust me I value Venticellos contribution a lot, but this is for the survival of the whole community, IF it could even survive.

In terms of pay, Venticello submitted a proposal for the work he put in and the running cost he wanted to keep it up. The proposal was accepted and it was paid for. He didn’t do this work for free, he was literally paid what he has asked for.

So its confusing to me that you are making it seem like he didnt get paid for the work he did.

Again, if others disagree, shoot down the proposal for all I care.

Reasonable proposal. Not sure if there is a notice period in the agreement. If so, it should be honored.

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Nice idea…Congrulations.

Very valid and if there is I agree with this.

Nobody disputes the value of Venticello’s work, but PLEASE EVERYONE WAKE-UP: CU is in a very poor financial situation and if you want the future mini-game to provide more than 10$/week total rewards, we need to make this cuts.

I think Venticello’s effort and time here is really appreciated.

it is just really unfortunate that we encountered difficulties on our runway hence we have to do these type of actions to proceed forward.

I support this proposal. but im not undermining Venti’s work towards the community!

We are out of money and out of time. We really appreciated Venticello’s support, but reality is reality.

This makes me so sad. Venticello has been such a huge contributor to our community and game.

If team decides to do something with TwT since it’s onchain, community might want to use Venticello’s app. It was great for TwT. But a pause does sound warranted at this time with core game going down and no current plans of TwT being released.

If you are up for it I’d advocate for us to pivot your proposal to fast follow our onchain game and have you work in tandem with our team to build out tools, analytics, etc for the new experience. I also think you could (like with TwT) help smooth out the player experience, etc.

So what I’d propose is that we shift your effort (at the same rate) toward this vs a pause /restart mechanism.

I think everyone knows the value of Uniwuw and thus I think we can assume future value from a Uniwuw that sits on top of the new minigame.


I think this is an excellent Idea actually if Venti is up for it.

If so, would I need to amend my proposal in some way for that or how do we go on about it?

We all obviously see all the value venti brings, and would have no issue keeping the same rate for the help he could bring in.

My suggestion would be to pivot this proposal to simply have Vent focus on having Uniuwu support the upcoming onchain game.

If Vent is up for it this seems like easy way to keep things going without the thrash.

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